Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Uncle Matt falls down

I decided to add this one because it makes Mommy giggle every time she sees it. My cousin Cooper throws a ball to Uncle Matt in the hammock...and comedy ensues...

Mom-Mom & Pop-Pop's 40th Anniversary

Aunt T, Uncle Matt, Aunt V, Mommy, and Daddy got the whole family together to surprise Mom-Mom & Pop-Pop for their 40th Wedding Anniversary. I slept through half of it, but I woke up in time for the pinata!

Avery's First Zipline!

Oh... I almost forgot... I went on my first zipline at Taylor's Birthday Party! Mommy went on a zipline adventure with Daddy and the Wisdoms in Costa Rica. Mommy watched me...but she didn't want to go on another one...

Avery and The Nash

I like my play dates with Nash. I wonder if I'm a bad influence though. After playing with my activity table, Nash sweet-talked Momma Lee into getting one of his very own! It is a learning's like edu-tainment!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Look who is clapping her hands!

Strollin' with Taylor

I like going for walks with my friends. Here I am with my pal, Taylor. She is the daughter of Mommy's friend, Christy. Taylor has a new little sister, Kaitlyn. I can't wait for her to join us on lovely walks on the trail.